Welcome to the website of the Data Law Hub. The goal of this website is to provide information on existing and upcoming (EU) regulations related to digitisation and AI. For this, we are giving you three different ways to explore this site:
1. Look through the pages on the left side. This provides an overview of all the pages on the site.
2. Look at a specific law and learn about it.
3. Look at a case and learn about relevant pieces of various laws.
# Our approach
With this website, we want to help people understand legislation focused on the digital world by connecting it to practical cases where it would be applied. This does not mean we aim to simplify. This type of legislation can be complex as well as require interpretation and judgement, and this is not something we can change.
**Questions? [[Contact us!]]**
# Laws covered
**EU legislation** is our main focus, this website covers:
- The General Data Protection Regulation: [[GDPR]];
- The Artificial Intelligence Act: [[AI Act]];
- The European Data Act: [[Data Act]];
- The European Data Governance Act: [[Data Governance Act|DGA]];
- The Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive: [[AI Liability Directive]];
- The Network and Information Security Directive: [[NIS 2 Directive]];
- The Open Data Directive: [[Open Data Directive]]; and
- The Product Liability Directive: [[(Revision) Product Liability Directive]].
**National legislation**, such as the [[Dutch GDPR Implementation Act (UAVG)]], can be found in the menu under 'National legislation', with separate categories for each country.
**Industry-specific legislation** is covered as well and can be found in the menu under 'Industry-specific legislation'. For example, the following laws important to the health sector are covered:
- The Medical Device Regulation: [[MDR]]; and
- The In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation: [[IVDR]].
# Use cases
* [[(Informed) consent within healthcare]]
* [[(Re-)using historical data]]
* [[Accountability in medical AI]]
* [[AI robot for keeping elderly company]]
* [[Automated decision making]]
* [[Collecting and saving data to use in a model]]
* [[Data analysis for clinical decision making]]
* [[Facial recognition]]
* [[Genetic data and medical devices]]
* [[Mental health chatbot]]
* [[Monitoring patients via video]]
* [[Post-market surveillance]]
* [[Predictive analysis in healthcare]]
* [[Security of medical devices]]
* [[Self-diagnosis AI system]]
Also see: [[Recommended actions for manufacturers of AI-based medical devices]]
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# Disclaimer
All information on this site is made available for informational purposes only and is intentionally very general. If you want to know any specifics, you can contact a specialist or look into the text of the laws themselves.